deaf culture中文什么意思

发音:   用"deaf culture"造句
  • deaf:    adj. 1.聋。 2.不听的;不理 ...
  • culture:    n. 1.教养;修养;磨炼。 2.文 ...
  • be deaf to:    对…充耳不闻; 对……听而不闻、充耳 ...
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  1. People in this group generally consider themselves to be part of what is referred to in america as deaf culture
  2. Coverage of deaf culture in the popular media - - television , radio , and print - - has been extensive in recent years
  3. Coverage of deaf culture in the popular media - - television , radio , and print - - has been extensive in recent years
    聋文化的报导近几年大量地出现在大众媒体上? ?电视,广播,印刷品。
  4. Unlike people who are part of deaf culture , hard of hearing people generally don ' t , as one of our members once remarked " cluster together " like ethnic , religious or other interest groups
  5. Although people who rely on sign language and tend not to use their voices comprise a small proportion of the total population of people with hearing loss , deaf culture has become a very visible and influential group in america


Deaf culture describes the social beliefs, behaviors, art, literary traditions, history, values, and shared institutions of communities that are affected by deafness and which use sign languages as the main means of communication. When used as a cultural label, the word deaf is often written with a capital D, and referred to as "big?D Deaf" in speech and sign.


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  2. deaf as an adder 什么意思
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  6. deaf dumbness 什么意思
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  10. deaf nut 什么意思


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